Dedicated to Calling Upon the Ascended Masters
Please understand that Rev. Jon Saint Germain does NOT make any claim to be the Ascended Master Saint Germain, nor the historical Count Saint Germain.

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The Temple of Saint Germain is a dedicated altar at Divine Harmony Spiritual Church that is devoted entirely to the Ascended Masters. It is named for Master Saint Germain - Chohan of the 7th Violet Ray and hierarch of the Age of Aquarius. In the Theosophical tradition, Ascended Masters are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but through a series of spiritual transformations - called initiations - they have acquired the wisdom and mastery needed to become immortal and free of the cycles of rebirth and karma. There are many Ascended Masters, and each one usually has a specific area of spiritual expertise with which they can help you with most any problem.

Reverend Saint Germain will personalize the ceremony to meet your specific needs, and select the elements which will best serve your unique situation. This altar work involves a mixture of ceremonial rituals, rootwork, candle vigils, crystals, and prayer to petition the appropriate Ascended Masters to intervene on your behalf. Depending on the type of ceremony, prayers may last 3 to 5 days. You will receive pictures of the work along with Reverend Saint Germain's observations and interpretations of any omens or signs that were seen during the ceremony.


Saint Germain, who is also sometimes referred to as Master Rákóczi or Master R, is a legendary spiritual master of the ancient wisdom and is said to be the master of the seventh (violet) ray and bringer of the Age of Aquarius. He is also identified with the historical Count of St. Germain (1710?–1784?), who became notorious in Europe during the 18th century and was described as an adventurer with a broad interest in many topics ranging from science, philosophy, alchemy, the arts, and more. Some say that, through his knowledge and mastery of alchemy, Count Saint Germain achieved immortality and individuals still report encounters to this very day. Saint Germain is believed to be an Ascended Master, like Jesus, who is continually striving to assist humanity.


Saint Germain is regarded as the "Chohan of the Seventh Ray." Together with the ascended lady master Portia (the Goddess of Justice) he is the bringer of the Aquarian age. Saint Germain is associated with the color violet, the jewel amethyst, and the Maltese cross rendered in violet (usually the iron cross style cross patee version). The name Saint Germain comes from the Latin Sanctus Germanus, meaning simply “Holy Brother.”

It is said that Saint Germain has existed in many previous lifetimes. Thirteen thousand years ago he lived in a colony of Atlantis where he was high priest of the Order of Lord Zadkiel in the Temple of Purification, which attracted people from near and far who came to be freed from every troubling condition of body, mind, and soul. Later Saint Germain was embodied as the prophet Samuel, Saint Joseph, Saint Alban, and Merlin, who most know as the legendary counselor to King Arthur. In his final lifetime, it is said Saint Germain manifested as Sir Francis Bacon, who is renowned as the father of inductive reasoning and the scientific method and is considered one of the greatest thinkers in human history. After his final lifetime as Sir Francis Bacon, it is believed he became an Ascended Master and adopted the name "Saint Germain", and appeared throughout Europe as le Comte de Saint Germain or Count Saint Germain.


"He was perhaps, one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived. The friend of humanity, wishing for money only that he might give to the poor, a friend to animals, his heart was concerned only with the happiness of others."
-Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel

The Comte de Saint Germain, whose real name is unknown and his birth and background are obscure, achieved prominence in European high society during the mid-1700s. Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel considered him to be "one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived". St. Germain used a variety of names and titles, an accepted practice amongst royalty and nobility at the time. These include the Marquis de Montferrat, Comte Bellamarre, Chevalier Schoening, Count Weldon, Comte Soltikoff, Graf Tzarogy, and Prinz Ragoczy.

Saint Germain clamed to be hundreds of years old and was described by contemporaries as an exceptional scholar, linguist, musician, and chemist. It was said he dressed simply but tastefully, and was adorned with diamonds and several strange jewels. Many reports note how although he regularly attended fine parties and dinners, he rarely ate, never drank wine, and absolutely refused to eat meat. Casanova met Saint Germain in 1757 and wrote that the Count, "claimed that he knew the secret of the Universal Medicine, that he possessed a mastery over nature, that he could melt diamonds, professing himself capable of forming, out of ten or twelve small diamonds, one large one of the finest water without any loss of weight. All this, he said, was a mere trifle to him." A famous account reports how "the old Countess v. Georgy" spotted Saint Germain at Madame de Pompadour’s court and was astonished - for she had met him in her youth 50 years earlier and he had not aged a day. When she approached him, he recognized her and recounted several interactions they had those 50 years prior. The Countess remarked that it was impossible he was the same person as he must be 100 years old. The Count responded, "That's not impossible."

“A matter worthy of remark is that the Count speaks French, English, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese equally perfectly; so much so that when he converses with any of the inhabitants of the above countries in their mother tongue, they are unable to discover the slightest foreign accent. The Learned and the Oriental scholars have proved the knowledge of the Count St. Germain. The former found him more apt in the languages of Homer and Virgil than themselves; with the latter he spoke Sanscrit, Chinese, Arabic in such a manner as to show them that he had made some lengthy stay in Asia, and that the languages of the East were but poorly learned in the Colleges of Louis The Great and Montaigne."

He is mentioned variously during this period in England, France, and Amsterdam - always eliciting curiosity and intrigue from those who wrote of him. History records that Count Saint Germain died on February 27, 1784 in what is current day Hamburg. However, many myths, legends, and speculations about Saint Germain became widespread and continue today. They include beliefs that he is immortal, the Wandering Jew, an alchemist with the "Elixir of Life", a Rosicrucian, and that he prophesied the French Revolution. Many claim to have encountered Saint Germain and say that he has given them knowledge or insight. He is said to have met and instructed the controversial mystic Giuseppe Balsamo (aka Count Alessandro di Cagliostro) in London, and the composer Jean-Philippe Rameau in Venice. Madame Blavatsky and her pupil, Annie Besant, both claimed to have met the count, who was traveling under a different name. Guy Ballard, founder of the "I AM" Activity, claimed that he met Saint Germain on Mount Shasta in California in August 1930, and that this initiated his "training" and experiences with other Ascended Masters in various parts of the world.


Saint Germain is regarded as the "Chohan of the Seventh Ray". The Seven Rays are seven metaphysical principles that govern both individual souls and the unfolding of each 2,158-year-long Astrological Age. Since according to Theosophy, we are transitioning into the next Astrological Age, the Age of Aquarius, which is governed by the Seventh (Violet) Ray, Saint Germain is sometimes called "The Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius." Saint Germain is believed to be the great champion of freedom, and his mission is to make sure that the Age of Aquarius becomes a new Golden Age for mankind. According to the Ascended Master Teachings, the preliminary lead-up to the beginning of the Age of Aquarius began on 1 July 1956, when Ascended Master Saint Germain became the Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius, replacing the former Astrological Age Hierarch, the Ascended Master Jesus, who had been for almost 2,000 years the "Hierarch of the Age of Pisces."


Ascended Master: Afra Candle Vigil
Afra is believed to promote harmony & brotherhood, and ease racial tensions.
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Ascended Master: Lord Hilarion Candle Vigil
Hilarion is believed to aid those who work in the healing arts, as well as engineers & musicians.
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Ascended Master: Jesus Candle Vigil
Believed to call upon the unconditional love of Jesus Christ to help with almost any situation.
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Ascended Master: Kuthumi Candle Vigil
Kuthumi is believed to help us acquire knowledge, solve mysteries, & better understand ourselves.
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Ascended Master: Kwan Yin Candle Vigil
Kwan Yin is believed to help steer us on a life-path that brings joy and peace into our lives.
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Ascended Master: Lady Leto Vigil
Lady Leto is said to bless those who work with gifted children. Also protection from dangerous situations.
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Ascended Master: Lady Nada Candle Vigil
Lady Nada is the ally of those in service industries, and makes sure they are not taken advantage of.
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Ascended Master: Lord Lanto Candle Vigil
Lord Lanto the great teacher is said to help you learn and understand complicated subjects.
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Ascended Master: Maha Chohan Candle Vigil
Maha Chohan is believed to call upon the Holy Spirit to help in most any area that is needed.
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Ascended Master: Lord Maitreya Candle Vigil
Believed to heal those with emotional trauma and help them feel joy & laughter again.
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Ascended Master: El Morya Khan Candle Vigil
Believed to help bring focus and direction to those who have not yet found their purpose in life.
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Ascended Master: Mother Mary Candle Vigil
Believed to help children - particularly special needs children, and also blesses parents.
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Ascended Masters: Osiris and Isis Vigil
Believed to help true love conquer all obstacles - no matter how severe.
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Ascended Master: Pallas Athena Candle Vigil
Believed to help those who are struggling under oppression to speak their righteous truth.
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Ascended Master: Paul the Venetian Candle Vigil
Believed to help creativity in all of its forms as he believes beauty is a path to a higher understanding.
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Ascended Master: Lady Portia Vigil
Lady Portia releases you from an unjustified situation. She can clear bad ancestral karma.
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Ascended Master: Saint Germain Candle Vigil
Believed to help free you from any binding or restrictive predicament - be it physical or mental.
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Ascended Master: Lord Sananda Candle Vigil
Believed to help those who are struggling with change by revealing new ways of dealing with situations.
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Ascended Master: Serapis Bey Candle Vigil
Believed to help us master ourselves, reign in our impulses, restore our connection to our true self.
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Ascended Master: White Eagle Candle Vigil
White Eagle can help you reestablish your essential connection to Mother Earth and Nature.
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